Remember that Birthday Resolution List I  had? Well, The Roommate and I have started making progress on one of them: last weekend we started our garden!

Our awesome landlord put grass seed down (yay! we’ll soon have an actual lawn!… wait, now we’ll have to mow…) and also pulled up our man-eating rose bushes that lined the side of our yard a few weeks ago. So The Roommate and I are now able to plant our gardens on the side of our yard and at the back of it!

Living in Denver, we have to stick to pretty strict planting times… that whole “risk of frost/snow-coming-as-late-as-the-end-of-May” sure puts a damper on wanna-be-green-thumbs. However, according to our friendly neighborhood nursery worker, we could start planting lettuce and root veggies as early as last weekend!

So we grabbed a few started plants of three different kinds of lettuce, some cold-weather flowers– gotta keep the honey bees that live in our tree happy!– broccoli plants, and a few packets of seeds for carrots and spinach.

We also got a couple of bags of compote, carried to my car by the cute, studly (come to find out when having to carry the bags myself– those suckers were heavy!) nursery worker, and set to work on our garden. I should mention that Denver has been incredibly warm this spring, so The Roommate and I were outside when it was 70 degrees! I ❤ Denver!

We dug our hands into the dirt and pulled out some more weeds and roots and got the dirt more-or-less tilled. We then added compote to it and grabbed our plants and seeds.

After plotting out the different sections, here was what we ended up with:

Lettuce! (specific types to come later... I forgot to write them down and I'm too lazy to go look!)

Broccoli and another kind of lettuce seeds
And our flowers for our beloved honeybees!

Carrot and Spinach seeds

I’m super-excited for the rest of our garden once it’s finally warm enough to finally plant everything else! More pictures and updates to come as the summer progresses. Let’s just hope I don’t have a black thumb!

Also, we want to have cute signs to put in our yard to mark what is growing where. Anyone have any suggestions as to where to get them or a fun/cheap way to do them ourselves?