Writing was light during the month of November, because I was busy accomplishing this:

I wrote a 50,000 word novel in 30 days!

It’s the second time I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), and I’ve won both times.

I like my book a lot more than last year’s (projection much? omg!), so I’m actually looking forward to having other people read it. I got really emotionally involved in the story, and felt overwhelming emotion over the death of my characters. It was the perfect ending and it was symbolic and deep– it’s perfect. I was excited to get to the end before I even started, and I got annoyed that I had to get the story to the place where the ending was epic and fully understood. The rest of the rest of the story needed to happen to have the ending make sense. I’ve titled my story “Suit of Lights” which is what a matador’s costume is called (traje de luces). Oh, I guess I should mention that my story is about a matador in the 1930s. He was a bit of an asshole, but it made him dynamic and a bit more interesting. And my lead woman was spicy and fierce, so of course she was fun to write!

Speaking of endings… I have some bad news, which has also added to the reason I haven’t been as present.

Last Tuesday, I opened a letter sent to my office that was being sent back from a woman accepting my job, starting today (Dec. 5). I of course burst into tears and found out I was losing my job. It’s dramatic and frustrating– I never had a formal reprimand and got all of my work done. But that doesn’t matter, because here I am, sitting on my couch without a job.

So there’s that.

I have a lot of job prospects and a lot of people helping me look for jobs and talking to people. I’ve already applied to at least a half a dozen jobs and I’ve only been at this for 3 days. I’ve already been in contact (for at least a couple of months) with two recruiters for 3 different jobs, one of which I’ve even interviewed for, so hopefully something comes from those. I have my fingers crossed that I will have a new job by the beginning of the year. It’s the holidays, so I can’t expect to get any sort of job, or even an interview, during this time… but we’ll see.

Please send positive job vibes my way, I could really use them. But at least I got paid through the 15th, so I’m technically being paid to sit in my sweats on this snowy, freezing cold day 🙂 It’s all about the silver lining, is it not?